HomeNewsLatest NewsCongratulations to Chairman Gao Xiaomou elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the 13th All China Federation of Industry and Commerce

Congratulations to Chairman Gao Xiaomou elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the 13th All China Federation of Industry and Commerce



On December 11, 2022, the 13th National Congress of the China Federation of Industry and Commerce was held in Beijing. Li Qiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, delivered a congratulatory speech on behalf of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. Shi Taifeng, Liu He, Shen Yueyue, Ma Biao and other leaders attended the opening meeting.

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The Federation of Industry and Commerce is a People's organization and chamber of commerce led by the Party and facing the business community, with non-public enterprises and non-public economic figures as the main body. It is a bridge between the Party and the government to connect with non-public economic figures. The work of the Federation of Industry and Commerce is an important part of the Party's united front work and economic work. This conference shouldered the high hopes of the non-public sector of the economy and the cadres and workers of the Federation of Industry and Commerce at all levels. Delegates gathered together to discuss the development plan of the non-public sector of the economy and the cause of the Federation of Industry and Commerce, and plan the development blueprint for the next five years. The conference elected a new leadership and leading organization of the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce. Gao Yunlong, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, was elected as the President of the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and Xu Lejiang, Vice Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee, was elected as the Executive Vice President of the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce.

At this conference, a total of 15 people from Anhui Province were elected as the Executive Committee of the 13th All China Federation of Industry and Commerce. Gao Xiaomou, Vice Chairman of Anhui Federation of Industry and Commerce and Chairman of Anhui Zhongtian Petrochemical Co., Ltd., was elected as a member of the 13th Standing Committee of the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce.

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Chairman Gao Xiaomou is a well-known representative of the non-public economy in Anhui Province. In 2017, he was elected as the Executive Committee of the 12th National Federation of Industry and Commerce and the Vice President of the 11th Anhui Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce; In 2022, he was elected as the Vice Chairman of the 12th Anhui Federation of Industry and Commerce; The election of Chairman Gao Xiaomou as a member of the Standing Committee of the 13th All China Federation of Industry and Commerce this time is not only a trust and heavy trust of the Party and the government, but also a social responsibility and expectation.

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